1 min read

Shuffle the players

How does one create an about page that's free from bias? We make it random!
Shuffle the players

Who do you put first on your organization's "about" page when all members are equal? The top implies importance whether we like it or not. And, there may even be gender or ethnic bias when we default to alphabetical order. So, what does one do? We make it random.

Equal Ownership, Equal Representation

Ember Cooperative is a member-owned organization, which means that all of its members are equal owners. By randomly rotating the members featured on the about page, we're able to showcase the diversity and equality within our membership. This helps to prevent bias and ensure that all members are given equal representation and recognition.

How it Works

The Fisher–Yates shuffle is a simple algorithm which simulates putting a collection of items in a hat and randomly drawing each one until none remain. By using this technique on the list of members on our about page, we can guarantee a shuffled result.

const members = [/* Your list of members */];

/* Shuffle the list */
for (let i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
    const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
    const temp = members[i];
    members[i] = members[j];
    members[j] = temp;
A JavaScript implementation of the Fisher–Yates shuffle

Try it for yourself!

Websites developed using drag and drop builders may have difficulty implementing this feature out of the box, but Ember has you covered. We've launched a new tool that generates what you need in order to add this to your favorite website builder, no coding required!

We'd love to hear from you if you use our tool or decide to mix it up. Contact us with any questions, troubles, or success stories!